"Teen Mom 2" drama continues for Jenelle Evans.
The reality television star and mother of two had to get in the middle of a screaming match between her mother and her boyfriend Nathan Griffith once again, according to Radar Online.
When Jenelle Evans and her man discuss adding a $200 Peg Perego car seat to their registry, the "Teen Mom 2" star's mom Barbara starts "lecturing" Griffith, which prompts another fight between the two.
"You'd better start growing up and realize that money doesn't last forever," says Barbara.
Nathan Griffith doesn't take her comment lightly, responding with "We are two adults who take care of our own sh*t! You don't tell another adult how they should do things. It's wrong and disrespectful."
The fight that started because of the couple's finances quickly escalates into a screaming competition about Griffith's drinking issues.
"You will not ever, ever, ever get Jace if you keep on drinking the way you do!" Barbara warns.
Griffith isn't one to back down when it comes to accusations regarding his lifestyle. Jenelle Evans' boyfriend then calls Barbara an "alcoholic" as he claims that she drinks "every night."
Jenelle finally comes in-between the two, screaming "Both of you just stop!"
Barbara gets the last word in (meaning she won the fight) with "You hurt my daughter, I will be after you!"
While Jenelle Evans struggles to keep peace at home, fellow "Teen Mom 2" star Kaily Lowry recently released her new memoir "Pride Over Pity" where she reveals that she was raped at the age of 15, according to the entertainment website.
When she got pregnant afterwards, her mother, Suzi, reportedly encouraged her to get an abortion.
"I swear they didn't just suck out my uterus. It felt as though they had taken every fiber of my being. . . . I felt a mother's grief," explained Kailyn Lowry.