Michael Phelps excelled during the Pan Pac as he won a gold medal during the games. Phelps has completed his first international competition after announcing his retirement. He assisted the US Team win the medley relay Sunday.
Now that the Pan Pac has ended, Phelps ended the race with three gold and two silver medals. After gaining weight and relaxing during his retirement, Phelps is now fit and ready for the Rio Olympics 2016.
Phelps said "It was, I think, a successful year. Obviously I'd like to win every single race I swim in. But, doesn't always happen. It was a learning experience, that's most important."
His long time coach Bob Bowman was also able to see the difference in Phelps performance and body saying "I'm extremely pleased. Just the way he swam those things. Really, that looked like the real Michael there, so that was very good. The second 50 of that, that's about as good as his butterfly gets."
Earlier on, Phelps was beaten in the 200 IM final by two-hundredths of a second by Kosuke Hagino of Japan. The latter was the silver medalist during last year's championship.
Phelps is working his way into the competition preparing himself both physically and mentally. He said "Today my body was hurting. I woke up this morning and I was in pain."
He added "The one thing, if I look back at the 200 IM and could say I would change anything, I think I'd say 'step on the first 100. For my first real big international meet back, we accomplished everything we wanted to. We were able to find out some of the things I need to improve on over the next year, and things I want to improve on."
"It is frustrating at times, but that's usually how I respond well."
But still, Phelps is contended of his performance in the Pan Pacs. The competition was challenged by heavy rains and strong wind yet Phelps managed to work his way to gold.
He said "It shows that I can ... finish races well. I finished pretty strong in all of my swims," he said. "Now, I really just have to step on the first half."