Dragon Age Inquisition Release Date Set On November 20! Multiplayer Mode Details Revealed! Learn How To Promote Characters Here!

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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Bioware has released a FAQ for the Multiplayer mode for its upcoming strategy game, Dragon Age: Inquisition. According to the team, this new Dragon Age will feature action-packed, four-player cooperative quests for its MP mode that will be separate from the single-player open-world story.

Dragon Age: Inquisition's MP mode is said to be modeled after the features shown in Mass Effect 3. This basically means that all matches will be fast-paced, will require strategic team gameplay, and will add Inquisition's tactical class combat and extensive loot and crafting systems.

In case you're wondering then no; MP will not be required to get the full-game experience.

"The SP campaign is separate from MP. In SP, you have the support of three specialists who can send agents to missions. MP characters are agents. At the start of a MP mission, you will hear one of the specialists explaining the goal of your mission."

Also, Dragon Age: Inquisition's MP mode will feature microtransactions. Still, the team noted that there will be no pay walls.

Last but not least, the level cap for the game's multiplayer mode will be 20. Once players hit that level, they will be able to promote their character, which will give them an extra attribute point for your MP characters.

In other news, the hero's companions have already been revealed. See them below:


-You can skip recruiting most of your companions and you can kick them off the inquisition at almost any time.
-Vivienne: "She's ambitious, in a nutshell. She is probably the one that stood to lose the most from the chaos that's been sweeping. The mage circle is falling apart."
-Solas: "Solas is knowledgeable, logical, He refuses to believe in bad and good... which makes him absolutely fascinating as a character."
-Dorian: "Dorian, he's fun. A lot of fun. He's gregarious, outgoing, likeable and he's from the nation that everyone thinks are bad guys."
-Sera: "She's kinda nuts and is probably best defined by her contempt for all the bigwigs... she wants someone to think about the people being attacked."
-Varric: "Varric is pretty much Varric. He's dealing with the fact that he's now alongside the lady that stabbed a book on his groin,"
-Cole: "Cole... Cole is different. He sees everything differently. He's not like us" AKA the Ghost of the White Spire.
-Cassandra: "Brash, impulsive, anger management issues... but she's incredibly dedicated and does whatever it takes to set the world right."
-Iron Bull: "Iron Bull is humorous, dismissive, a natural charismatic leader, but he's struggling with being a fish out of water."
-Blackwall: "He's dedicated, almost a mentor figure, but he's also a man alone, he's been on the road a very long time and that wears someone down."

Dragon Age: Inquisition is currently planned for a November 20th release.

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