ALS Disease: Treatment For Patients With ALS Disease; Donations From ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Reaches 94.3 Million, Allowing ALS Association To Continue Their Mission Of Providing Care Services

Als ice bucket challenge

According to Mayo Clinic, treatment of ALS disease involves a number of specialists - neurologists, physical and occupational therapists, swallowing disorder specialists, physical medicine and rehabilitation experts, social works, nutritionists, and others. They work together to give continuing care and to attend to the needs of patients with this condition.

It may be unfortunate that ALS has no cure, but at least these healthcare professionals do everything to slow down the progress of the illness that therefore results to relief from (some) symptoms, doing certain functions through recuperation, and improved quality of life.

During ALS treatment, it is important that families of the patients are also well-informed about the entire treatment process and their respective roles for care. Family support is very necessary, especially in managing the illness, doing follow-up care, and in providing foods that are best for their family member with ALS disease.

Doctors prescribe medicines, depending on the condition of the patient. Some specialists give medications to address nerve damage, manage muscle spasms and stiffness, and lessen the occurrence of symptoms.

Again depending on the circumstance, physical therapists may ask people with this illness to do low-impact workouts like walking to make the muscles stronger, improve heart health, and combat depression and fatigue. Use of assistive devices, such as wheelchair and walker, may be advised.

Patients with ALS disease will also need the services of a speech therapist to educate them on how to speak clearly or understandably. Care for mental health may also be necessary as they may become depressed of their situation.

Not every person with this illness can fund ALS treatment. Help from organizations like ALS Association is very important.

With donations reaching 94.3 million courtesy of the Ice Bucket Challenge, the organization can continue "providing care services to assist people with ALS and their families through a network of chapters working in communities across the nation and a global research program focused on the discovery of treatments and eventually a cure for the disease".

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