Parenting Styles: 4 Types Of Parenting Techniques - Which Parenting Style Is The Best?


Parenting styles vary from one parent to another. What may be effective from one parent may not be successful to another. Most of the time, it depends on the children and the environment they have lived in.

Helicopter Parenting

These types of parents are those that are always around their children. They are very acquainted with their kids' everyday experiences and issues. Some think that they are role models. However, there are instances that they get too involved with their children's lives that they become overprotective or too interfering.

Authoritative Parenting

This parenting style is best described with you-live-under-my-roof-you-follow-my-rules 'decree' at home. There are set guidelines that children have to follow. However, the strategy is somehow democratic. When kids fail to meet their expectations, they are compassionate and quick to respond. The idea behind this method of parenting is to be forceful but not limiting. They only want them to have established rules in the house so it is clear which is okay and which is not. But they rather give support than punish.

Permissive Parenting

In permissive parenting, the dad and mom follow a relaxed approach in rearing their children. They are basically loving that they tend to accept their kids' behavior - regardless if it is good or bad. They believe that their children should be able to stand on their own and make their own decisions - with little guidance from them. To control their children, they offer them rewards, such as toys. Unfortunately, this approach lets parents raise spoiled kids.

Attachment Parenting

This parenting style starts from when the child is just an infant. They begin this approach at the stage when the baby is most needy and the mother is prepared to give care. Dads and moms make it a point that the needs of their kids are properly addressed. They always think of what's best for them.

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