The Most Useless Question Of All Men: Where And What To Eat, Women Are Saving The Score For Future Major Victory! Do You Still Want To Be With Them?


The most useless question to ask a woman is what and where she wants to eat because this may throw more confusions and frustrations, cause #1 women pretend that men have the control, #2 they have no idea what to eat, #3 women don't want to show men that they are picky and #4 women don't want to show men their weird taste in food.

As to who makes the decision of where to dine, and what to eat, actually both male and female can. According to Elite Daily, women don't want to look, high-maintenance.

Even if men say, "It's okay, I don't mind," for women, they do really care, and will have no issues declining every suggestion men utter.

Women divert to the famous lines like...."Sugar free please!" cause the meal might ruin their diet, because her goal is to get in and out of her clothes and stylish dress every day. Women do a lot of weird stuff especially about eating. They cut on their food intake, by limiting the portions, chew it more than 30 times before swallingit, and make changes to a menu so that it is hard to identify by the time it comes out of the kitchen, duh!?!?

If women don't choose healthy option, there is 101% chance that they are pigging on their plate and will indulge on the temptation of burgers, fries and chocolate cakes. Women could only practice self-control when there are no available options for them.

Women don't actually pay attention on what they wanted to eat, but they also pretend that they do, but won't get to bitchy. Women always keep the scorecard, so if they let men choose where and what to eat, it means they are saving the some for future's major victory. Next time, you ask a woman out on a date, better not ask her where to eat, cause it's the most useless question to ask them.

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