Minecraft Xbox One Released: $19.99, $4.99 Upgrade From Xbox 360, New Edition 'Bizarrely Repetitive,' 'Perilously Addictive' 'Sucking Away Hours Of Game Time' Like Flappy Bird

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Minecraft Xbox One Released: $19.99, $4.99 Upgrade From Xbox 360, New Edition 'Bizarrely Repetitive,' 'Perilously Addictive' 'Sucking Away Hours Of Game Time' Like Flappy Bird Minecraft Xbox One Released: $19.99 September Release, $4.99 Upgrade From Xbox 360, New Edition 'Bizarrely Repetitive,' 'Perilously Addictive' Worldwide Cult Following Like Flappy Bird, 'Sucking Away Hours From Players' Lives!' The phenomenal online video game has been brought to the the Microsoft Xbox One video console as Minecraft Xbox One Edition, hotly anticipated by fans around the wold after reports said that it would release this week. While the game is reportedly on sale now after the Xbox One Edition was released Friday for $19.99, Minecraft will begin its sale as a download code later this September. And a disc-based offering for the Xbox One Edition will begin toward the end of the year, ahead of the holiday shopping season.

Game.co.uk describes Minecraft Xbox One Edition as "bizarrely repetitive and perilously addictive," a phrase ominously close to how Dong Nguyen describes his hot online video games, 'Flappy Bird' and its sequel 'Swing Copter,' with the former taken down from iTunes, Google Play Apps store for its obsessive and addictive qualities that were leaving players exhausted and disinterested in their routines. The report describes Minecraft in a similar fashion, citing the Xbox One Edition Minecraft product as having a 'worldwide cult following,' 'suckingaway millions of hours from players' lives!'

Although gamers are of the opinion that the Xbox One edition of Minecraft is not much different from its previous version, some of the highlighted features for this game are a easy to use navigation tools, and its capability for incorporating up to 20 DLC add-on content. A very impressive feature of this Minecraft Xbox One edition is the soundtrack.

Xbox developers shared in an online report, "If you're moving up from "Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition" (either the disc or Xbox Live Marketplace version), the Xbox One upgrade will run you a mere $4.99. And, even better, you can upgrade at this price for a full year from the game's release!"
Both Minecraft Xbox One and PS4 is equipped to enable players a chance to expand worlds "up to 36 times larger" in comparison to last generation models, says Forbes.

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