The Woman In Black 2: Angel Of Death Movie Update: The Terror Continues! Sequel’s Plot Occurs 40 Years After The Setting Of The First Franchise Starring Daniel Radcliffe Of Harry Potter Fame

Harry potter
Daniel Radcliffe

For this "The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death" movie update, the terror that started 40 years ago continues to wreak havoc.

Cinema Blend reported that the second franchise, made under Tom Harper's direction, has wrapped up filming. With the movie now done, Relativity, the company that will take charge of distributing the film in the US, now only has to determine the most fitting date for its release.

The stories to be featured in this "The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death" movie update will no longer include Daniel Radcliffe of the "Harry Potter" fame, though. The actor's presence in the first franchise earned the flick global popularity, translating to $128 million in overall ticket sales, reported Deadline.

The story in "The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death" movie update for the current version commences 40 years after Daniel's encounter with the eerie phantoms. This time, kids who fled their homes and bunked in the house to seek safety during World War II, unwittingly awaken the mansion's otherworldly residents.

The movie's official trailer, which is shown in Yahoo UK, is an effective teaser that takes viewers back on a tour of the haunted mansion - now made spookier by years of neglect (dusty furniture, cobwebs, etc.). The point of view is that of a petrified woman who is searching for the source of a rhythmic creaking sound that comes from a rocking chair moving on its own.

Eventually, she locates the room where the creepy rocking chair is and immediately it stops rocking the moment she steps closer to investigate. She cautiously surveys the place and finds nothing amiss. She turns around cautiously and is taken aback by a hazy angry vestige of what looks like a screaming woman, charging straight at her. The scene then fades out to reveal the title.

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