Android 4.4.4 vs. 4.4.3 Compared: Android 4.4.4 KitKat Bug Fix Long Anticipated For 'Serious Battery Life Issues', User Complaints Prevalent, Wait For Android L

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Android 4.4.4 vs. 4.4.3 Compared: Android 4.4.4 KitKat Bug Fix Long Anticipated For 'Serious Battery Life Issues', Users Complain About Both Updates, Wait For Android L. The most recent Android 4.4 updates, labelled Android 4.4.4 KitKat Update and Andriod 4.4.3 were released by Google in June. Rumors leading up to the Google I/O 2014 conference, revealed that the search engine firm would release one update in the Android 4.4 format. When Google announced these two updates in June, developers and Android watchers were surprized to hear about Android L, a third update planned for the end of the year.

Most Android users are aware that OTA (over the air) updates like KitKat are slow in completing release cycles and may take a while to get to your phone. Your Android mobile can be checked manually to see if you have received the KitKat update. Since there is no information about the Android L, 'the super bug fixer of all updates', Android users will be looking for what is available - the Android 4.4.4 KitKat Update.

Android 4.4.3 and Android 4.4.3 are not big OS changes like the Android L, but they work on the handsets they cater to.
Since the launch of the Android 4.2 Update, Google's OS has been riddled with bugs and users of Samsung Galaxy, Google Nexus, and LG smartphones, HTC have been annoyed as the Android 4.4.3 update was not much help in the way bug fixes. With the current Android 4.4.4 KitKat release, more information about Android 4.4.4 KitKat bug fix is a sight for sore eyes.

Despite calling OS upgrades Android 4.4.4 and Android 4.4.3 updates for the Android KItKat OS, "Users of both updates are complaining about issues. Android 4.4.4 KitKat problems are well documented but we can add some more issues to the growing list. It appears that the OnePlus One's latest Android 4.4.4 KitKat upgrade, the XNPH30O OTA update, has delivered serious battery life problems. Fortunately, those behind the OnePlus One claim that an upcoming OTA will alleviate those issues. Other aren't so lucky," reports

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