'Biggest Celeb Nude Photo Leak' Scandal in Hollywood: 'It's This Violent, Abusive Violation' Says Emma Stone Beau Andrew Garfield, Art Gallery Cancels Life-Size Leaked Photos Display


'Biggest Celeb Nude Photo Leak' Scandal in Hollywood: 'It's This Violent, Abusive Violation' Says Emma Stone Beau Andrew Garfield, Art Gallery Cancels Life-Size Leaked Photos Display

"Why Aren't More Men in Hollywood Standing Up Against the Nude Photo Leak?" asked Glamour in a think piece published recently after a massive photo hack purportedly from Apple's iCloud. In response to that, Seth Rogen and late-night hosts defended the actresses while accusing those who stole private photos from them.

Meanwhile, Emma Stone was spared of the angst from the photo hacking distress, and her boyfriend Andrew Garfield told E! Online about his impression of the 4Chan hack and the person who was directing links to it via Reddit so people could view these private photos: "It's disgusting. 'I have a right to your naked body or images that you've sent to your husband, or lover.' It's disgusting," the actor was quoted as saying on The Daily Beast, adding, "It's this violent, abusive violation of womanhood-of divine womanhood. It's violent, and it's misogynistic, and it's revolting, and it's another example of what this distance has enabled us to do-it's enabled us to be disassociated from each other."

"There's enough awful s--t coming from it that hopefully we'll get to the point of, 'OK, wait a second.' What's scary is that we haven't reached that point yet, and there hasn't been a referendum put on it. The internet is the new Wild West. There's a guy now taking these pictures and putting them up in an art gallery. What f--king right does he have to do that? It's absolutely revolting."

According to an update on this story, XVALA will not be putting up life size nude posters at the Cory Allen Contemporary Art in Saint Petersburg, Fla. However, the gallery is considering posting photos of models and actresses who willingly posed in the nude: "It wasn't just about being 'hacked' images anymore, but now presented in the media as stolen property," XVALA told E! News. "People were identifying with Jennifer Lawrence's and Kate Upton's victimization, much more than I had anticipated, which is powerfully persuasive," he continued to say.

Cory Allen shared, "It was inspiring to see people take action through a petition, signing their name and not just commenting on a thread."

More than 100 models, actresses and high-profile women were exploited in what is being dubbed, the 'Biggest Celeb Nude Photo Leak' Scandal In Hollywood'. The FBI has taken over the case, while Apple has assured clients that its iPhone iCloud has not been compromised, but it is still look into a possible security breach.

Victims of the 'Great Photo Hack Of 2014' are looking at their legal options. Kate Upton and Jennifer Lawrence have not done nude photo-shoots and the hacker has presumably asked $100 for Lawrence's pictures. Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton have asked the authorities to take up their case.

According to a statement, the FBI said it is "aware of the allegations concerning computer intrusions and the unlawful release of material involving high profile individuals, and is addressing the matter." At the same time, Apple said it is possible to collate pictures over time while a user has an iPhone or iCloud account open, transferring the images to the hacker account.

Apple "reported that the leaked photos were the result of compromised accounts, using "a very targeted attack on user names, passwords and security questions, a practice that has become all too common on the internet," EOnline shared.

With Reports By E! Online

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