Ebola Virus Outbreak Cure: Blood Serum From Survivors, Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Potential Cures Ebola Virus Outbreak Cure


Ebola Virus Outbreak Cure: Blood Serum From Survivors, Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Potential Cures
Ebola Virus Outbreak Cure. Reports say that the third American being treated for the Ebola virus, Dr. Rick Sacra could be doing well because of a secret cure – Ben and Jerry’s Chocoloate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. His doctors at the Biocontainment Unit in The Nebraska Medical Center.

Sacra’s wife Debbie was quoted by NBCnews as saying, “He really wanted some ice cream.” She added, “He’d tried a few different kinds over the last several days, and none of them were all that appetizing to him. But we finally found something in the hospital convenience store that really hit the spot — a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.”
Typically, patients with the Ebola virus become dehydrated due to vomiting and diarrhea. Sacra’s patients insisted on taking 1000 calories by mouth.

The two American volunteer workers who contracted Ebola virus while helping those with the disease in Liberia were flown to Atlanta’s CDC recently, and have been released from the hospital.

Both Dr. Kent Brantley and Nancy Writebol were released from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention after being confirmed they were free of the virus. The two Americans were fortunate to have beat Ebola, but those in West Africa are battling Ebola every day with 1305 dead and 2,473 carrying the Ebola virus.
So far, there is no certified cure for humans contracting the Ebola fever that eventually leads to hemorrhaging fever. However, with the outbreak going out of control in five countries, blood serum from patients with Ebola virus is traded on the black market as the death count continues to rise.
Although transfusions sometimes appears to help patients through its properties as a pseudo-vaccine, this remains to be proven.

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