Rosie O’Donnell ‘The View’ Return Is Stronger Than Ever


Rosie O'Donnell made her return to ABC's The View on Monday.

The comedienne made a comeback stronger than ever, even getting praise from The View creator and former host Barbara Walters.

"They were terrific. And I'm completely unbiased," Walter told People regarding the new hosts.

Despite the nerves that O'Donnell admitted to having before the show, the new talk show host revealed that she was relieved that everything went smoothly.

"I had tremendous nerves. We only had one day to rehearse, which was Thursday. And that was tremendously anxiety-producing. I haven't done it in a while, and there are new people and it's a new show. And that really kind of threw me. But I think I know, after I got through today, it would be okay, and that's what happened," explained O'Donnell.

Viewers of the ABC talk show may have noticed that Rosie O'Donnell returned to the show with a thinner body as well. O'Donnell, who reportedly weighted 237 pounds, estimates she's lost about 53 pounds since having vertical gastric sleeve surgery in July 2013, according to People.

"I'm not used to it yet. I still buy the wrong-sized clothes," explained O'Donnell.

She added, "A lot of people who have never had weight issues their whole life would assume that losing weight and going from morbidly obese to being able to buy clothes off the rack would be only full of happiness and positivity, but that's not true," the co-host revealed. "It's also full of anxiety and vulnerability. I'm glad it's going at the rate it is because any faster than this would throw me into a panic."

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