iCloud iPhone 6 Leaked Photo Hack: Investors More Interested In iPhone 6 Than Celeb Pictures, Apple Denies Breach In iCloud, Find My iPhone App

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iCloud iPhone 6 Leaked Photo Hack: Investors More Interested In iPhone 6 Than Celeb Pictures, Apple Denies Breach In iCloud, Find My iPhone App

iCloud iPhone 6 Leaked Photo Hack. The release of the two new versions of the hotly anticipated Apple iPhone, and the iPhone Plus comes in the wake of a reported hack from Apple Inc’s iCloud that leaked more than a hundred private photos of women in the acting and fashion industry.
Reports say that investors are more interested in the iPhone 6 than the celeb photo leaks in Hollywood with Apple shares moving in an upward direction.
Despite the casual attitude of investors, celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and a host of others have contacted the FBI to take over the case. An investigation is also underway at Apple Inc.
But Apple has continued its firm stand that the iCloud was not responsible for the nude photo leak, and it describes other ways in which the 4Chan hacker could have gotten hold of the photos over a period of time. And it is also a foregone conclusion now that passwords need to be constantly changed, since the hackers used passwords to get into accounts. This may be possible when users are online with iCloud accounts open, giving hackers a chance to make a hit while there is vulnerability.
A CNET.com report about the “hack that exposed nude photos of celebrities and that some attributed to a possible flaw in iCloud or the Find my iPhone app, Apple denied there had been any breach in any of its systems. However, the most important word in the statement was "outraged."
Chief market analyst at Dublin, Ireland-based Ava Trade Naeem Aslam, "Despite the recent events, I am still very bullish on Apple as they have a number of new products coming out such as wearables and a new bigger iPad," IBN Live said in an online report.

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