‘Django Unchained’ Actress Shares Shocking Police Experience On Facebook


Actress Daniele Watts was handcuffed and detained by the LAPD last week following a 911 call for an alleged "indecent exposure," according to ABC News.

The "Django Unchained" actress reportedly argued with cops that they had no right to demand her identification when they stopped her near Studio City. Witnesses from nearby buildings reportedly told police they saw Watts and Lucas having sex in the passenger seat of their car, according to TMZ.

"Upon further investigation it was determined that no crime had been committed. Ms. Watts and her companion were subsequently released," the Los Angeles Police Department said in a statement obtained by the L.A. Times.

Watts shared her experience on her official Facebook page soon after the incident.

"Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place," wrote Daniele Watts.

She continued, "From the questions that (the cop) asked, I could tell (he) thought we were a HO (prostitute) and TRICK (client)."

In audio from the incident that was obtained by TMZ, Watts is heard arguing with the arresting officer as he repeatedly asked to see her ID, according to the NY Daily News.

"Do you know how many times the cops have been called. . .just because I'm black and he's white?" Watts is heard saying.

The officer reportedly accuses the "Weed" star of bringing up the "race card."

"I have every right to ask your ID," the officer is heard saying.

Watts was reportedly talking to her father when the police came.

"I was sitting in the back of this cop car, filled with adrenaline, my wrist bleeding in pain, and it occurred to me, that even there, I STILL HAD POWER OVER MY OWN SPIRIT," Watts wrote on her Facebook.

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