Get Ready For The Babadook Movie! Critically Acclaimed Aussie Horror Film Leaps Out Of The Book Pages To Come To Life In US Cinemas Soon


"The Babadook" movie adds a new darker dimension to classic monsters that dominate children's nightmares, empowering them enough that they can already terrorize adults to the point of breaking.

Nerdist shared the wonderful news that the critically acclaimed genre film has recently released a new trailer. The carefully selected scenes in the clip did a great job in providing viewers a clear overview of the brand of scares they can expect from "The Babadook" movie.

Shock Till You Drop gives a concise overview of the story.

The focus is on the terrifying ordeal of a mother and son. Six years following the death of her hubby, Amelia, the mother, is going through a difficult time. Left as the sole parent and caregiver to her only son Samuel, she struggles with controlling his increasingly obnoxious behavior. And for some reason, she is having a hard time being affectionate towards him, too.

Matters made a turn for the worse when 6-year-old Samuel starts seeing a monster in his dreams. He seriously believes it is out to get them. After having his mom read to him a mysterious pop-up children's book they suddenly found in their home, the boy is convinced that the monster in his nightmares and the Babadook creature in the book are the same.

Amelia quickly dismissed her son's allegations as nothing more than a product of his overactive imagination. But when strange things started happening, and she glimpses the Babadook at certain times in their home, she begins to wonder if her son's nightmare could be real...

According to Nerdist, critics have been raving about "The Babadook" movie during its screenings at various film festivals this year. Moreover, reviewers featured on Rotten Tomatoes have given it 100% approval. This is quite an impressive feat for first-time writer and director Jennifer Kent who based the movie on her short film entitled "Monster."

The movie hits the big screens in the US just a couple of weeks following the advent of Halloween. Viewers will then have the chance to confirm whether the monster exists on November 23, 2014.

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