Nintendo Super Smash Bros 3DS Bundle Leak: U.S. Release On Oct. 3, Walmart Ads Announce Consoles For $199.96, $0.03 Less Than ‘Non-Walmart’ 3DS XL Sep. 19, No Pre-Loading Option, Code Downloads Possib


Nintendo Super Smash Bros 3DS Bundle Leak: U.S. Release On Oct. 3, Walmart Ads Announce Consoles For $199.96, $0.03 Less Than ‘Non-Walmart’ 3DS XL Sep. 19, No Pre-Loading Option, Code Downloads Possible?

Nintendo Super Smash Bros 3DS Bundle Leak. According to published reports, Nintendo has released Super Smash Bros. 3Ds XL bundles in Europe, and American Nintendo fans are wondering about a release possibility in the U.S. The answer is out. Walmart ads leaked information about Super Smash Bros 3DS XL, which was confirmed by And Walmart is as reliable as it gets for Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. 3DS releases since the venue is commonplace for consumers holiday shopping for video games and consoles.

The 3DS XL console comes in red and blue versions, which is as American as you can get with the colors on the flag. Here’s a video of the Super Smash 3DS/Wii U 1st Trailer on YouTube:

Source: YouTube

Here’s what a Super Smash Bros. 3DS bundle looks lke

Source: YouTube

The media reports Walmart as releasing its 3DS XL Nintendo on September 19, while the Super Smash Bros.3DS lists its unveiling on October 3. With an early listing in September by Walmart, analysts say the release date leaves little room for games to come pre-loaded as was the case with the European launch.

However, there’s nothing new to take home from the Walmart ad about Nintendo’s new video console; it is a good looking machining that resembles Nintendo 3DS XL. Retailing for a price of $199.96, it’s just three cents less than what it would cost at a ‘non-Walmart’ Store.

It is quite possible that September 19 is an erroneous release date for North America. On the other hand, Nintendo could introduce code enabling users to download the Super Smash Bros 3DS Bundle as it becomes available.

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