Venom Carnage Movie Cast: Chris Zylka 'Flash Thompson' Is Venom Despite Eddie Brock Confirmed To Be In The Movie! Is Emma Stone 'Gwen Stacy' Going To Be Carnage?


New update for the Amazing Spider-Man spin off, Venom Carnage has been revealed.

A new rumor has surfaced that Flash Thompson's version of Venom will be used in the spin-off instead of the original Venom, Eddie Brock.

According to reports from, Sony plans on using Flash Thompson as the titular character to give audiences a new perspective of the character in the Amazing Spider-Man movie universe, favoring him over the Eddie Brock. However, the producers of the film felt that it could become another huge controversy considering that Eddie Brock has established the Venom persona more than Flash Thompson.

The Venom spin-off producers and Sony had already made some controversies before regarding the Carnage casting and would likely do the same with Venom as well. reports that Chris Zylka, who played Flash Thompson is in talks with the producers of the film. So far there has been no confirmation as of yet regarding his participation in the movie.

Meanwhile, there have been reports that Eddie Brock will make his debut The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

According to reports from Comic Central City, Sony will likely pitched in the idea of having Eddie Brock in the third movie although the producers are not yet sure where to put him in the plot and the character will likely be reduced to a cameo appearance. has reported that Venom Carnage spin off movie will be release sometime in 2017 as Alex Kurtzman will be directing and writing the film along with co-writer Ed Solomon.

What do you think of the new updates for the Venom Carnage spin off? Sound off in the comments section below.

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