Star Wars Episode VII News: New DroneShields Revealed As Photos And Video Of The Half Built Millenium Falcon Leaked Online! [PHOTOS&VIDEO]


Drone pilots have been catching video and photos from the behind the scenes of the new Star Wars Episode VII, exposing a black X-Wing fighter and half built Millenium Falcon in the verdant English countryside, 50 miles from London. Those leaked photos and videos might have been avoided, if only Pinewood Studios had accepted its DroneShield, according to the report of the Motherboard.

The DroneShiled is an early detection system that depends on basic drone sound signatures, based on the sussing out hobbyist of the firm that is too little to be sensed by the radar. The system sends email or text message alert when there is a nearby drone, which would hypothetically provide Pinewood Studios sufficient time to put a tarp to hide the Millenium Falcon.

The DroneShield is an early detection system that relies on "common drone acoustic signatures," according to the company, sussing out hobbyist drones that are too small to be picked up by radar. The system sends a text message or email alert when a drone is nearby, which would theoretically give Pinewood Studios enough time to pull a tarp over the Millenium Falcon. That is exactly how DroneShield works to warn it crowdfunding advocacy in 2013 that the system may not sense modified or new drones whose acoustic signatures are not in the database, and may also be worn off by noise surrounding it. Back in June, Pinewood Studios ordered its DroneShield, expecting snooping by Star Wars fans, but export policies went in the way.

Furthermore, to prisons, celebrities and blockbuster sci-fi sets, DroneShield also promotes its military system, under the supervision of the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations or ITAR, technology that cannot be shipped out for military use out of the region without clear approval.

The director, JJ Abrams, will mark the start of the new sequel Star Wars trilogy by beginning from where Return of the Jedi ended. Lucas Films is creating some spin-off features and media platforms to guarantee that Star Wars stays in the modern Hollywood forefront.

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