Deadpool Movie News And Update: Cable Confirmed For The Movie As Hugh Jackman Wolverine Set To Appear On The Film To Fight Deadpool Played By Ryan Reynolds


Huge Deadpool Movie news has dropped and it seems like Cable would appear on The Deadpool movie along with Hugh Jackman's Wolverine as he reveals that he could be fighting Deadpool again in the Deadpool movie!

The newspaper Philadelphia Tempo reported that the much anticipated movie of the "Merc with a mouth is now in the works."

According to reports, Fox is working on the project with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Michael Biehn would be Cable.

The Philadelphia Tempo reported that the plot line is about a Deadpool from another dimension going into the X-Men origin timeline to wipe away the original Ryan Reynolds "Deadpool" due to the event having "universal repercussions". But with X-Men Days of Future Past effectively changing the timeline of the movies, the script would be rewritten to follow that storyline.

Hugh Jackman has expressed his interest on fighting Deadpool again and that a cool cameo or a full blown role would be given to Hugh Jackman as he could be fighting Deadpool again in the Deadpool movie.

But the most notable Deadpool moive news here is Michael Biehn being reportedly cast Cable, for a long time now, fans have been including him in fan casts and he would always play Cable in their fantasy cast and him being involved in the Deadpool movie is something fans would really appreciate and Comic Central City has revealed that not only is Cable going to be in the Deadpool movie, Michael Biehn is allegedly going to be Cable.

The Deadpool movie is allegedly going to be a full-on action comedy with a PG 13 rating.

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