Ronda Rousey lost weight due to Pokemon


Are you an avid gamer and planning to lsoe weight? UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion Ronda Rousey has some quick tips for you. Mixing Pokemon plus graham with milk is the formula to losing those unwanted fats.

She said "I got the trading cards first. Then I got the video game on Gameboy Color. My first one was Pokemon blue, and my first Pokemon was Charmander. I got immediately hooked. I lost a bunch of weight and I was a small kid. I wouldn't stop playing. I just had a stack of milk and graham crackers next to me because I wouldn't get up. I'll just have a cracker and keep playing. I've got every single version of every generation of the game. When Blue came out, I didn't just wait for Silver. I got Blue, I beat Blue. I got Red, I beat Red. I got Yellow, I beat Yellow. And when Gold and Silver and Platinum came out, I got all three of those and beat those. The first game I got, just on that one cartridge, had 200 hours on it. I've done every single version and every single Pokemon since. The White, the Black, X, Y, Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Stadium 2. The only ones I didn't play was Pokemon pinball, and that kind of bullshit."

This isn't the first time that Rousey shared her love for those little cute animated characters. Rousey had an interview on the Tommy Toe Hold show where she divulged juicy tidbits about her personal life.

When Rousey was randomly asked who her favorite Pokemon is, she easily answered "Mew." When asked why, here is when she elaborated her answer:

"Mew is the originator of all the other Pokémons... Mew is the original one and [all the other Pokémon] came from that one. And, you couldn't catch Mew in the original game. You had to use the lavender town.... I actually went to the mall for those Pokémon events, those little tournaments to get me a Mew. I wanted Mew so bad. I like waited in line with all the other nerds for hours. I wanted to get me a Mew, and a Mew certificate of authenticity that I taped to my wall."

She knows her Pokemon and she is not shy to talk about it.

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