‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Leah Messer To Lose Custody Over Twin Daughters?


"Teen Mom 2" star Leah Messer opened up about the ongoing custody battle with her ex-husband Corey Simms in a new clip from the upcoming episode of the show, according to Radar Online.

Simms reportedly filed for full custody of four-year old daughters Ali and Aleeah. The twins are currently under the care of Leah Messer and her husband Jeremy Calvert.

"It shocked me," stated Messer.

She continued, "Why would you give custody to a parent who is in denial of what the facts are when it comes to Ali's medical condition, who is not wanting to cooperate with fulfilling her needs?"

Last year, Ali was reportedly diagnosed with a rare form of muscular dystrophy. Simms had reportedly been reluctant to have his daughter "depend on a wheelchair," according to the entertainment website.

"The worst outcome would probably be that he would get full custody, and I don't know how I would deal with that. . . I can't imagine not being the one taking care of her," stated Messer.

Friends of the reality television star are reportedly worried about the way that Leah Messer is choosing to deal with her current stress.

"We think Leah could be taking powerful painkillers including Lortab and Percocet. They are very easy to get on the streets in her hometown," an insider told Radar back in July.

Fellow "Teen Mom 2" star Chelsea Houska has recently started dating traffic control specialist Cole DeBoer.

The two reportedly met a local gas station and then ran into each other two days later, when DeBoer asked for Houska's number.

"They're not official, but they're hanging out. He's the sweetest guy she's ever met!" an insider close to Houska told the gossip website.

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