God Of War 4 Release Date For The PS3 And PS4 Confirmed? 'GOW4' Game Details Features Kratos Fighting Both Norse And Egyptian Gods Rumored!

God Of War 4
Release date set
New game details
God of War game series

Good news gaming fans as new updates for the next installment of the God of War game series, God of War 4 have been revealed.

Cyberland has reported that The God of War 4 release date has been tentatively set to September 2015 and it can be expected to see the game to be showcased at E3 2015.

There have rumors circulating that God of War 4 could feature Kratos fighting other religious deities such as Egyptian and Norse gods.

While there has been no confirmation from Sony that God of War 4 would feature Kratos fighting other religious deities, fans have suggested that the story of God of War hints that there could be other gods as speculated by user "Lexph3re" on VG24/7:

"None of the gods in god of war are anything like their folklore counterparts. Even Athenas "Ascension" is a key point towards their being a possibility of different variants of the spiritual plane. That the Patheon were merely physical in their interpretation and that they can ascend. Which means what? Dun duh duh duuuunnnnnn! Deities of other spiritual focus."

User "clupula" even made up a scenario on how God of War 4 could happen:

"Make it a SEQUEL to GOWIII, where Kratos ends up killing the Norse or Egyptian pantheon. I've said for the longest time, it's a no brainer how to start the next trilogy. Have Kratos trying to live a peaceful life in some new region, as he cannot die, and Athena appears to one of the other pantheons and explains that Kratos is a murderer of gods and if they do not kill him, he will surely kill them. The game starts."

"Ending, after Kratos has killed this pantheon, it is revealed that GOWIII Athena was not Athena at all, but Lucifer trying to clear the way for the current Judeo-Christian religions by killing the old gods and using Kratos as a tool."

Whether these speculation are true are not, gaming fans are curious enough to think that Kratos will actually kill other deities around the world, and should be something to look forward to once the game is out in 2015.

Will players get to see Kratos battling the new deities in the game? Sound off in the comments section below.

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