Phil Jackson returns to talk about Carmelo Anthony and more


New York Knicks President Phil Jackson recently had a sit down with the New York Post where he divulged juicy information of his team, Melo, MJ, Kobe and a lot more.

One of the most interesting questions that have been asked to Johnson was with regards to Hawk's GM Ferry's comment on Carmelo Anthony. According to Ferry, "he can shoot the [bleep] out of it, but he screws you up in other ways. So is he really worth $20 million? I would argue if he plays the right way, absolutely."

To this, Johnson replied "I think there's probably 15 players in the NBA that are very similar position. I don't know if all of 'em are paid $20 million, but the coaches and GMs are talking about it in those type of terms - how much does this guy hurt your team, or hurt the game flow because he's trying to score. The attempt to score, the need to score, the pressure that he feels he has to score. ... Does he take away from the team game? That's what Danny's talking about there. And that's where Carmelo's gonna move forward this year in that situation - the ball can't stop. The ball has to continually move. It moves, or goes to the hoop on a shot or a drive or something like that. In our offense, that's part of the process of getting players to play in that rhythm."

When asked whether Jordan also had to make those adjustments he replied "Michael had to be able to share the ball, other people had to get shots, only so many shots available out there. And when someone's taking 27 a game or something? 25 a game, that's maybe a third of the shots. That can't happen in basketball."

Kobe Bryant was also added to the conversation when he was asked whether Kobe was the model for Carmelo Anthony.

He said "No. No one can approach that. I don't expect anybody to be able to model their behavior after that, although Kobe modeled his behavior a lot about Michael Jordan, but he went beyond Michael in his attitude towards training, and I know Mike would probably question me saying that, but he did."

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