Diem Brown Hospitalized Due To Cancers [PHOTO]; ‘Challenge’ Star’s Doctors Discovered Kidney Tumors Right Before Starting Chemo For Colon Cancer


Diem Brown hospitalized in a New York City hospital after new tumors have been discovered in her kidneys. It looks like the 32-year-old reality star will be facing yet another setback to her health.

The recently spotted tumors inside her kidneys will be preventing her from getting the chemotherapy, which has already been initially scheduled for her, to treat the cancer that was found in her colon. Sadly, just as she was about to start chemotherapy for her colon cancer, doctors spotted a blockage in her kidneys. After undergoing a few tests, it was determined that the blockages were actually tumors.

This is very sad news, especially as it is right on the heels of finding out that she has colon cancer. However, the star of "Challenge" manages to retain a positive attitude.

Diem Brown hospitalized told People, "I was so frustrated that it seems my body keeps throwing me curve balls over and over. It's hard to keep your spirit and your mind positive. But, I'm glad we are catching these curve balls and fixing them, one by one."

She then added, "They told me there I had complete blockage of my left kidney and 75% blockage of my right because of swelling and tumors. So, they had to do a surgery and put in stents so things could flow normally again."

Diem Brown's on-and-off boyfriend, CT, was able to share a photo of Diem Brown hospitalized on his official Instagram account. In his September 29 Instagram post, he highlighted his girlfriend's need for further funding for this latest struggle of hers.

Fans who would like to help can donate at MedGift, which is the website that Diem Brown founded so that she could help others find funding for their own medical emergencies. Diem Brown's family posted on the MedGift website, "It feels strange having to create this Diem support page on the very site she's dedicated the past seven years of her life building. Diem has always been a strong candidate for her own page, but she never wanted the focus of MedGift to be about her obstacles."

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