Jill Duggar And Derick Dillard Want To Be Examples To Their Future Children, ‘19 Kids And Counting’ Star’s Hubby Aims To Teach Their Kids The ‘Word Of God Early On’

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Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are now preparing to be parents. After making the news about their pregnancy public, the couple shared their thoughts to Christian Post about their future plans for their children.

"Well, ultimately, we want to be an example for them. For a daughter, I want to show her how a man should treat her, just like Jill's dad did for her," Derick said. "And just be the best dad I can be to both my sons and daughters and really purpose to teach them the Word of God early on and pray that they will come to the Lord early in life. And helping them be open, not afraid to come to us about anything."

"Both of our parents have had the hearts of their children, knowing that they can come to them and talk about anything," Jill added. "And then, just really leading by example and purposing to have a Godly marriage and one that is focused on the Lord. And hopefully the children will learn to fear God and be a servant of all."

The couple who is in very fast turnaround of events  this past few months, shared why they chose courtship over dating.

"I think as far as courtship, we wanted to be purposeful in our relationship and make the most of our time so we wanted to know pretty quickly about those deeper issues - is this someone I can serve God better with than without and really get to the heart of the issues early on," Derick said.

"We promised to save ourselves physically for marriage so we could focus on communication," which was difficult because Derick was in Nepal and trying to set up Skype dates. "But I think it really is beneficial. When Derick came back, we set standards as well; we always wanted to have a chaperone, and sometimes it was difficult to even find someone to go with. We really wanted to set our standard high and not compromise. We made different standards we wanted to hold to, and if we wanted to change them, do so on the front end," Jill explained.

Derick and Jill are both devout Christians.

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