UFC's Cung Le denies PED use, Reacts to Sanction


Recently, Cung Le posted a picture in Instagram which captured the attention of not only the media but also the UFC as well.

In the said photo, Le was he was seen flexing his muscles. He told reporters that the pictures was a result of pure luck and that It was taken in the perfect light, snapped at the perfect time.

But later on, the UFC revealed that Cung Le tested positive for elevated levels of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) after his August fight in Macau.

Cung Le talked to MMA Junkie denying all the allegations saying he did not take the banned HGH treatment or taking any other banned performance-enhancing drugs.

According to Le's statement "I was completed surprised at the results of my recent drug test...I was informed by the UFC that I passed my pre- and post-fight drug test, as well as the majority of the blood tests with the only abnormality being an elevated level of HGH being determined to be present. I tested negative for anabolics, stimulants, diuretics, masking agents and my testosterone levels were within World Anti-Doping Agency and Nevada State Athletic Commission Approved limits a total of three times over two urine tests and a blood test collected both before and after my fight."

He added that there could have been a mistake in the test having resulted to him testing positive to high dosage of HGH. He said "I have been informed that there are many possible reasons for a level of HGH to exceed what is allowed unknowingly and my doctors are researching those possibilities, which may include a much more serious health concern."

"I have also been informed about the unreliability of the current HGH testing that exists and it's high rate of inaccuracy."

Le categorically denied all the claims saying that he did not take any banned drugs saying "I want to reiterate to my fans and the fans of mixed martial arts everywhere that I did not take any performance-enhancing drugs or anything that would cause my natural level of HGH to exceed normal levels."

Now that both sides have been heard, would there be a possibility of Le being released of his sanctions?

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