Cung Le’s Le's manager said there were irregularities in UFC’s test


Cung Le was put on hot waters right after he posted a picture of himself all buff..or maybe buffer than his age. The 42 year old MMA fighter posted a picture in Instagram where he was seen flexing his muscles. He told reporters that the pictures was a result of pure luck and that It was taken in the perfect light, snapped at the perfect time.

But Cung Le denied the allegation. His manager Gary Ibarra, went into details to explain the anomaly during Le' UFC testing.

According to Ibarra "Upon our independent review of the laboratory procedures when testing for PED's, it has been clear that the possibilities for incorrect test results are many. We were informed that the laboratory was advised to use the WADA approved rules and procedures when conducting the testing that they administer, yet the lab in Hong Kong contracted to do the testing was not WADA approved, which was surprising since there was a WADA approved lab available in Beijing, China."

He added "The blood sample was collected post-fight when the natural HGH levels are the least reliable as the body in an attempt to heal itself will naturally release more HGH, but even more of a concern is that the more reliable and WADA required test for HGH known as the IGF-1 test was never conducted on the sample. When we contacted the UFC to request that this more reliable test be conducted, we were informed that this was not possible as the lab only retained the sample for a week following the fight. WADA regulations require that samples are to be frozen and held for 10 Years, so that they can be re-tested in the event of a challenge."

Le vehemently denied using HGH and said he did not take any banned drugs. Ibarra explained the WADA rules and its proper way of conducting a test for the said drug.

He said "WADA rules state that when testing for HGH, the lab must use the 'Isoform Differential Immunoassays' or "the Isoforms Test,' a procedure which requires the IGF-1 test be performed."

He added "Again, this test was not performed by the lab and was could not subsequently be performed as the sample had been destroyed. The WADA regulations also state that: Since the total levels of HGH secreted into circulation vary naturally, are widely fluctuating over time and may be influenced by several factors not associated with doping, it is practically impossible to develop an anti-doping test based simply on the measurement of increased total HGH concentrations.'"

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