Watch 'Scandal' Season 4 Episode 3 Free Streaming Online [LINK]: Episode 2 Recap 'State Of The Nation'; New Episode 'Inside The Bubble' Premieres Tomorrow [SPOILERS]

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"Scandal" season 4 episode 3 free streaming is now available as new episodes premiere on ABC tomorrow night at 9pm.

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 episode 3 free streaming.

Here is a short description for episode 3 "Inside the Bubble:"

"Sonya Walger guest stars as an old friend of Olivia's on this episode, someone who returns for help after her daughter goes missing."

"Elsewhere, Cyrus has an awkward confrontation during a business breakfast, while Jake uses his connections to receive some answers."

Meanwhile, for those who haven't seen episode 2 yet, here's a short recap on Guardian Liberty Voice:

"The State of the Union begins with Olivia and Jake jogging near the White House. At one point Jake tells Olivia that he has is staying at a hotel suite and is available for "booty calls." Liv is dismayed by Jake's sudden shift in their relationship and initially finds the idea of her commuting to his hotel for sex as laughable. However, Jake attempts to legitimize this idea by proclaiming that he is no longer going to stay Olivia's home waiting on her beck and call since they are no longer "standing in the sun," and he is busy again."

"Liv and Jake's conversation is interrupted when Cyrus appears waiting on the infamous park bench by the White House. During an impromptu meeting, Cyrus asks why she Liv did not notify him of her arriving back in Washington D.C and refers to her as his friend. When Olivia condescendingly questions the status of their friendship, he takes her to task. Despite the fact that Liv no longer works for the White House, Cyrus forces her hand to do a "favor" for Fitz. He explains that in order for the President's new policy on gun control to go over smoothly with the republic he needs Liv to assure the attendance of two guests."

New episodes air tomorrow night at 9PM on ABC.

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 episode 3 free streaming.

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