New Jupiter Ascending Trailer Better Than The Previous Trailers? Here Are Six Reasons Why

Jupiter Ascending

Critics and observers agree that the Wachowski's new "Jupiter Ascending" trailer tops its predecessors. Here are six good reasons explaining why:

1. iO9 said that the new "Jupiter Ascending" trailer is the best of the three trailers the studio has released. They noted that among them it was the most interesting. It has better crowd-drawing potential. They make this evident not only in their amazing visuals, but also in the comprehensive hints, they provided. These made it easier for viewers to understand what story the movie offers.

2. The previous site particularly noticed how more streamlined the latest trailer is. Unlike its predecessors, the new trailer has injected scenes that make the viewers better understand what the fantastic intergalactic spectacles are all about.

3. Mashable commented that "Matrix" fans would find the new "Jupiter Ascending" trailer delightful because of its amazing martial arts fight scenes. Similar to the former blockbuster, which starred Keanu Reeves, the sci-fi film features combat moves that defy gravity.

4. Aside from the excellent combat scenes, the previous site also noted how the trailer seems to project the expansiveness of the movie's epic premise. They noted the inclusion of multiple planets and generations further amplified by visually entertaining chases and shootouts between spaceships.

5. The Verge pointed out that besides the explosions and multiple fight scenes, the new trailer also features a lot of space rollerblading. They said that there are more of these activities included in the latest trailer, particularly in scenes involving Channing Tatum's act of saving Mila Kunis. Like iO9, they also pointed out that more details of the plot were featured.

6. The "Jupiter Ascending" trailer not only provides audience a glimpse of the intergalactic action, but it also gives them a better look at the budding romance between Kunis and Tatum. Also, profound questions and quips hinting at alien explanations behind human creation add depth to the story, which makes the trailer even more interesting compared to those that came before it.

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