Apple October New Product Media Event: Invitations To Apple’s MacBook Air Event Came Too Late!


Apple's new product media event normally disseminates invitations to the public to attend its commemorative product review or launch, as reported in Tech News World.

A certain phrase or info graphic normally hints the theme of Apple's new product media event.

Apple's new product media event aims to surprise and excite users with what they've the company has in store.

The new phrase Apple has released this year to drop hints about its upcoming product media event is:

"It's been way too long since... what? Since we've seen you last? Since we partied like there was no tomorrow? Nah. In Apple Land, the connotation immediately turns to products and product announcements."

The announcement took a different turn in this next announcement:

"Which product hasn't been updated in "way too long?" Which product has been neglected? Which product is in desperate need of a makeover?"

Many are suspecting that this year's new product media event will be featuring a new version of Apple's popular MacBook Air.

MacBook Pro's retina display gadget was released on October 2012. Is two years a long time? Word has it that Apple will be releasing a MacBook Air with a 12-inch retina version.

Do you think Apple may be releasing an upgrade of the new MacBook Air with retina a little bit too late? Cast your judgment as Apple unveils the big product media event this month in California.

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