Deadpool Movie Release Date Confirmed For August 2016 As Film IS Rumored To Pave Way For X-Force Movie!

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Good news for Deadpool fans because some huge Deadpool movie news were dropped and it seems like the Deadpool Movie release date has been set and that the X-Men Apocalypse end credits scene could set up the Deadpool and the X-Force movie!

The much anticipated return of Deadpool to the big screen is going to happen after X-Men Apocalypse as it has been reported that the X-Men Apocalypse end credits scene would set up the Deadpool and the X-Force movie.

Comic Central City reports that theDeadpool movie release date has been set for August 2016, a few months after X-Men Apocalypse and that the X-Men Apocalypse end credits scene involves Wolverine getting his Adamantium claws and that he would be then part of a new group of the X-Men called the X-Force. Deadpool would also be shown on the X-Men Apocalypse end credits scene.

It's still early, so there aren't many details about the X-Force movie and Deadpool movie but here's everything you need to know so far:

Jeff Wadlow, director and writer of Kick-Ass 2, will direct the movie. And despite rumors, the plot will not include X-Statix, Peter Milligan's take on the X-Force team.

"I can pretty much eliminate some sites' suggestion that the Milligan X-Statix stuff is in the mix," wrote creator/comic book writer Rob Liefeld. "An X-Force film is Cable. Is Deadpool."

The first X-Force incarnation consisted of Cable, Boom-Boom, Cannonball, Domino (really Copycat), Feral, Shatterstar and Warpath. It didn't include Deadpool. Though always present, Wade Wilson didn't join until 2010′s Uncanny X-Force, whose lineup didn't include Cable. So the adaptation will apparently take a few liberties with the team. And although Ryan Reynolds portrayed Deadpool in the critically panned Wolverine Origins, it isn't safe to assume that he is a shoe-in for the part once again. When asked about reprising his role as the merc with a mouth, Reynolds replied that he didn't know anything about the movie.

"If I knew what X-Force was, I would," said Reynold when asked by MTV News if there were plans to include his Deadpool in the film. "It sounds a little bit like a 1985 Chuck Norris vehicle...I don't know what X-Force is, but it sounds great."

Screen Rants quotes Ryan Reynolds when he revealed some Deadpool movie news and updates:

"[In] its current iteration the movie's actually very small," Reynolds revealed whilst doing press for animated snail story 'Turbo'. "There's minimal impact to the studio, which is the way we're kind of presenting it to them. We're saying 'Look, the budget is minimal. Therefore, can we do this the way it should be done?' Which unfortunately needs a Rated R [age certificate] or it needs those elements."

Ryan Reynolds also confirmed that his Deadpool would not be connected to the Deadpool in the X-Men Origins movie:

"[Deadpool] will actually have no connection to the one that was in Wolverine."

Are you excited for the Deadpool movie release date? Are you excited that the X-Men Apocalypse end credits scene would set up the Deadpool and X-Force movie? Sound off in the comments below!

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