Second Nurse With Ebola Virus Surfaces As President Obama Cancels Political Travel Plans To Discuss Outbreak


A second Dallas nurse has become infected with the Ebola virus while caring for a dying patient, according to The Orlando Sentinental.

As news of the rising number of patients suffering from the Ebola virus surfaces, President Barack Obama has canceled his political travel plans in order to meet with his Cabinet to further discuss the Ebola outbreak, according to The Huffington Post.

The White House reportedly stated that President Obama is calling off a planned trip to New Jersey where he planned to speak at a fundraiser for Senate Democrats, but instead will convene Cabinet officials coordinating the government's Ebola response, according to the media outlet.

The recently emerged case of the second nurse that's been infected with the Ebola virus, who has been identified as Amber Vinson, has ignited even more fear amongst people as it has been revealed that Vinson took a Frontier Airlines flight from Cleveland, Ohio to Dallas-Forth Worth on October 13, just one day before she reported developing symptoms of infection, U.S. and airline officials stated today.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the airlines reportedly stated that they are reaching out to all 132 passengers who were on the flight.

CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden reportedly stated yesterday that the agency would be developing a rapid-response team to help hospitals in a quick, efficient way whenever there is a confirmed case of Ebola.

"I wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the first patient was diagnosed. That might have prevented this infection. But we will do that from this day onward," stated Frieden.

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