Extraterrestrial Movie Shows The Horrific Face Of Alien Abduction; Film Is More Of A Horror Than A Sci-Fi Genre?


"Extraterrestrial" movie provides viewers an excellent reason why they should be more terrified than curious of alien abductions. Because the trailer focuses more on the struggle of the characters to survive, and the horrors the aliens subject their abductees to, some observers may note that the film is more of a horror than a sci-fi genre.

Basic info about the "Extraterrestrial" movie on IMDB shows that its category is both horror and sci-fi. Its trailer, which is posted on YouTube, starts with a scene showing a group of friends investigating a huge crash in the woods. The voice-over of one of the female characters talks about her group's surprising discovery. What they thought was a plane crash turns out to be a UFO.

The synopsis on Google/IMDB helps viewers better understand the gist of the story that revolves around the horrific encounter of April and her friends with unidentified aliens from outer space. Their UFO landed near the cabin where the group was staying.

Their discovery revealed that the crash is a mishap of a planned intergalactic visit sent to carry out a specific mission: human study. And because April and her friends make for easy specimens, the aliens started rounding them up. Those who remained had to fight to the death to keep from getting abducted, while those who were already taken, were subjected to torturous experiments.

The assemblage of scenes that followed shows military men scouting the area and other authorities questioning those who survived abduction. As it turns out, the authorities are fully aware of the alien's visit practices and purposes.

Some dialogues featured on the clips made mention of a certain "treaty." As to what this treaty is, and if it could affect April and her friend's chances of getting out of their ordeal alive, viewers would know once the film is released.

"Extraterrestrial" movie, which is directed by Colin Minihan and adapted from a script he and Stuart Ortiz penned, lands in (limited number) theaters on November 21, 2014, reported IMDB.

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