Watch 'Scandal' Season 4 Episode 5 Free Streaming Online [LINK]: 'The Key' Premieres Tomorrow Night [SPOILERS]; Episode 4 'Like Father, Like Daughter' Recap- What Happened Last Episode?

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"Scandal" season 4 episode 5 free streaming is now available as new episodes air on ABC tomorrow night at 9pm.

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 episode 5 free streaming.

For those who were not able to catch episode 4, "Like Father, Like Daughter," here is a quick recap from Flavorwire:

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"This week's central story was classic Scandal: a crisis comes out of nowhere, and not only does it force Olivia back into the White House, but it gets all of the show's major characters agitated and emotional, casting new light on old themes and conflicts. It helps, too, that said crisis is really juicy one. Midway through what I feel OK classifying as a determinedly normcore dinner with Jake (more on that later), Liv gets an urgent phone call."

"The next thing we know, she and Quinn are busting into a college party in pursuit of a wasted girl... who happens to be President Fitzgerald Grant's teenage daughter, Karen. They find her in a bedroom, woozy and puking, in her underwear. Huck handily cuts not only reception but power (is this even possible?) to all the cellphones in the place so no one can photograph the First Daughter as Liv and Quinn escort her into a helicopter."

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 episode 5 free streaming.

Meanwhile, the official synopsis for "Scandal" season 4 episode 5, "The Key," reads:

"Olivia and the team continue to investigate Catherine's case, but Olivia is distracted when Jake stops returning her calls. Meanwhile, Cyrus falls deeper into the rabbit hole with Michael, David realizes what it's like to finally be a winner in DC and Fitz seeks answers to Jerry's death."

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 episode 5 free streaming.

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