Footage From The Cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3 Leaks Online, Expect Video Game’s Comeback On 2015, Rumors Suggest

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Footage from the cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3 that is rumored to make a comeback on 2015 leaks online. Two videos from a pre-alpha build that has been developed from 2006 to 2008 show 30 minutes of gameplay when combined. According to IGN News, the initial video "offers a glimpse at both land and vehicle-centric combat that would have been available had the game seen the light of day. Levels shown off include Hoth and Coruscant."

According to Polygon, since the said videos are an early build of the game, some textures are missing and sound assets aren't present. The video looks like it was built for Xbox360.

"Some footage of the build of Star Wars Battlefront 3 that got canceled," writes the uploader on YouTube. "This build is from 2007 and was ported over from the PC. ... The game looked very fun to play and runs pretty well other than the obvious frame rate drops. ... This is being run on an Xbox 360 for those of you that got confused."

Reportedly, Battlefront 3 was cancelled at the last minute by LucasArts because it had become too expensive to make. It has been previously noted that Battlefront 3 was nearly complete when its production was cut.

According to Polygon, Free Radical had a deal with LucasArts to create the third and fourth entries in the Battlefront franchise, though this was cancelled and the developer fell into administration.

Polygon reported in 2013 that chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen offered a clearer window for Battlefront's release in Electronic Art's annual meeting of stockholders, nailing summer 2015 for launch.

"DICE's Battlefront will most likely come out around the same time that the Star Wars [sequel] movies start to come out, probably in the summer of '15," Jorgensen said.Star Wars Episode VII, is set for release in 2015.

Reportedly, Electronic Arts signed a deal with Disney in May 2013 to secure exclusive video game rights to the Star Wars franchise, which Disney acquired from Lucasfilm in October 2012.

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