Star Wars Episode 7 Plot/Cast/Spoilers: Is Luke Skywalker The New Villain In The Upcoming Film? Plus, You'll Be Surprised To Know The Role Of Max Von Sydow

Star wars episode 7

There are still a few details about the definite plot of Star Wars Episode 7 but its cast is now starting to make the rounds! A few weeks ago, we told you about the possible role of Lupita Nyong'o' and Luke Skywalker's character twist: him transforming into a villain.

We also heard about the cameo roles of Robert Downey Jr., Samuel Jackson, and Daniel Craig. Mr. James Bond allegedly shot a two day cameo in Star Wars Episode 7.

But one character has been discussed in detail just this week, and that is no other than Max Von Sydow's role. Warning: Possible spoilers ahead!

According to MakingStarWars, "Max von Sydow character in Star Wars: Episode VII is not an ancient Sith Lord or a supernatural being with an awesome voice. He's a beaten man. He's old enough to have lived through the Clone Wars, seen the Intergalactic Civil War unfold and then the aftermath of the fall of Emperor Palptaine. He's no longer a man, he's a cyborg. His eye is obscured by an ocular viewing device, most likely from a past injury which mean the could no longer use the eye with any ease. One leg is entirely cybernetic now, almost like a Super Battledroid but with metallic claws where his toes would be. He sits at a bar drinking, wary, and old. If you have an oddity, a rare weapon, you might want to bring it to him for evaluation."

Aside from this rumored cast/characters, a source of Making Star Wars also talked about the rumored name of the Sith home planet: "Moraband - The Sith homeworld is in the movie. It's been there throughout production with various names attached to it. I had it confirmed to me by someone working in England that there are sets for the 'Sith world'." (via HNGN)

For those for missed the leaked plot and cast of Star Wars Episode 7 from a 4Chan member named Mizzlewump, here's an excerpt to ponder on:

"I've read the second draft of the Abrams/Kasdan script," he claimed.

"I've chosen a trip so that people can't BS in my name when trailers, other media, and the film itself confirm what I say. I won't post again until then so as not to be accused of attention whoring. Please don't read unless you want to have the film spoiled."

AGAIN, SPOILERS AHEAD! (via Latino Review)

>Leia is made leader of the Republic after her predecessor's death

>Han is a retired veteran of the Republic fleet

>Luke hasn't been seen in nearly 30 years

>the lead character is Han and Leia's daughter

>the other lead is the child of Lando, and either a male or female depending on who is cast

>the other lead is a Stormtrooper, also either a male or female depending on who is cast

>dialogue for these two characters is very rough in the second draft

>Luke has no known offspring

>The Empire still exists in the form of a number of loyal galaxies and are in a state of cold war with the Republic

>The Empire is simply referred to as the "Empire," and the Republic is referred to formally only once, as the "Galactic Republic;" no "New" anywhere

>There are no Jedi whatsoever, and people still speak as if they are extinct, with Luke being "the last of his kind"

>The main antagonists are an older student of the Emperor, and his apprentice

>The apprentice takes control of the power dynamic between the two pretty quickly...

>The Republic are excavating ruins on a neutral world for a weapon; the world factors into tense negotiations the Empire have had with the Republic, and is referred to as the "Sith Homeworld"

>Loredump: In the script, the Sith are a couple thousand years old, founded by an ancestor of Palpatine called Ruin; the apprentice in this film also goes by that name

>the ruins within the Sith Homeworld are a control station; the planet itself is the weapon

>Luke saves the day at the end, but in a bad way; he has changed

While it is advisable to take everything with a pinch of salt, here's the offical Star Wars Episode 7 main cast: Harrison Ford who will play Han Solo, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as Leia, Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, Anthony Daniels as C-3PO, and Kenny Baker as R2-D2.

Joining these actors are Lupita Nyong'o, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Max von Sydow, John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Pip Andersen, Crystal Clarke, Dixie Arnold, and Roman Bloodworth. British actor Christina Chong who appeared in Doctor Who, 24, and Black Mirror will also play a supporting role in the seventh episode of Star Wars.

Star Wars Episode 7 is slated to come out on December 18, 2015. Watch out for more rumors and news about the film's plot and cast!

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