New Super Smash Bros Wii U Features Galore! Eight-Player Mode, Customizable Stages, Downloadable Characters, And Eight Ways To Play! Nintendo Also Offers DLC, Paid Content: New Stages And Mewtwo


There are plenty of new Super Smash Bros Wii U features fans of the Nintendo brawl fest should look forward to.

Nintendo doesn't pull any punches when it comes to Smash Bros updates, but it recently revealed plenty of Super Smash bros Wii U features to make fans of the fighting title salivate.

Nintendo unveiled the updates in a live video stream update, which includes the most revealing aspects of the game thus far. There are eight player modes to choose from, for starters; stages can also be custom-made and shared between players.

The Smash Bros mash-up appeals to the core Nintendo audience, but fans of the fighting genre are also hooked to the gameplay for its sheer chaos. The playable characters also include a mix the title can only offer: Solid Snake, Wario, Megaman, Pikachu, and others duking it out on the same arena.

The list of Super Smash Bros Wii U features is extensive, as hinted by the released 3DS port. Scott Moffit of Nintendo of America comments on a recent unveil:

"Millions of fans around the world already can't get enough of the Nintendo 3DS game, and we want the Wii U version to build on that momentum." (

A first in the franchise is the massive 8-Player Smash, which accommodates up to eight players in a melee, in new, larger arenas. The new feature makes the customizable stages option that much more appealing, especially when shared between players over the Internet.

There's also a special offer waiting for those who purchase the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game: a two-disc soundtrack music from both game ports, and a free downloadable Mewtwo character to be used in-game.

Nintendo is maximizing use of all its controller peripherals on the new Super Smash Bros Wii U features; the Wii Remote Plus, Nunchuk, Wii U GamePad, Classic Controller, Classic Controller Pro, Wii U Pro Controller, GameCube Controller, and Nintendo 3DS may be used, offering a variety of challenges for players (

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