Amanda Bynes Fails To Escape Parents: Plea To End Conservatorship Denied


Amanda Bynes was released from the treatment facility she was involuntarily held at in California this week.

However, despite her rage towards her parents, evident from her recent Twitter rant, the "She's The Man" star will be under the care of Rick and Lynn Bynes in the near future.

Amanda Bynes was reportedly denied her plea to end her legal conservatorship yesterday after a judge ruled that under her conservatorship she is unable to hire a lawyer because she lacks the capacity to sign a legally binding contract, according to Entertainment Wise. The plea was reportedly denied before the hearing had even begun by the judge who ruled that the 28-year-old's assets and personal life will remain under the control of Bynes' mother, Lynn.

The conservatorship allows Lynn Bynes to make both medical and financial decisions for Amanda Bynes through February 2015, according to Fox News. For the hearing, the former Nickelodeon star reportedly sent her lawyer Art Santiago on her behalf, but the judge ruled that he was not allowed to represent her, according to People.

"I've been dealing with her for the past two weeks and believe I'm the only one she can trust," stated Santiago.

News of Amanda Bynes' conservatorship comes after the "Hairspray" actress returned to bashing her father on Twitter.

"The police filed a report against my dad- I am not able to be in the same room with him. He is a sexual predator and he SHOULD BE IN JAIL. I am going to court with my lawyer today to fight my mother and father over control of my personal life and control of my finances," wrote the former fashion student on her Twitter account.

Bynes had made false sexual abuse allegations against her father before she was placed in a treatment facility earlier this month.

The public has expressed concern regarding Amanda Bynes return to social media as well.

"Amanda Bynes tweets actually make me really sad," wrote Twitter user Liv Guzzo.

Fellow social media user Connor Almond added, "I do feel a bit sorry for Amanda Bynes not gonna lie."

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