A new look at Stephan Bonnar in his return to MMA


Light heavyweight from the Chicago Stephan Bonnar has been the Mr Right of UFC. His legendary fight against Forrest Griffin in 2005 sealed his career in the MMA World.

He said "I've always been funny, a nice guy, say the right things, a go along to get along type of person."

But having enough time to think and reflect about himself during his retirement, he realized that he needed a change of approach. He said "Just being retired and watching everyone try to be so proper and PC. Not just in MMA, but in other pro sports, you just want to say 'C'mon man, tell me what you really feel.'"

Bonnar is off to face Tito Ortiz in the main event of Bellator's Nov. 15 event at San Diego's Valley View Casino Center.

When he decided to return to fighting and face Ortiz, he changed into a man not backing out any time soon. He bombarded Ortiz with negativity from how he treats his friends and sparring partners.

He said "I never really fought anyone I didn't care for. And with Tito it was like, I never really liked him to begin with, but then after hearing from all these people who got burned from him, then it's like I really didn't like him."

But his tactic worked well for him. After failing a fight against Anderson Silva as well failing drug test, he is now back in the limelight out to prove his worth.

He said "I wanted to sell the fight in a creative, entertaining way, but I wanted to tell the people how I really feel. I really don't care for him and I'm going to let the world know it. I knew it would cost some fans and it would piss people off, but ultimately it would, people would talk about it, people would want to tune in and see the fight."

On the other hand, his tough competitor, Ortiz, does not do well with Bonnar new style of promotions. Even comparing Bonnar to Ken Shamrock.

He said "See that guy right over there? He knew how to sell a fight the right way. The right way is not talking about a person's family. This fake, this phony, this embarrassment, the things Stephan Bonnar has been doing, I just shake my head in embarrassment for him."

He even denied knowing who Bonnar was saying "I didn't know who he was. I knew him by one fight that he lost on 'The Ultimate Fighter' and that's it. But I guess being MMA's most wanted, people want to fight you. That's what you get. He wants to get his bills paid for. The only way he can do that is to hoot and holler and bark like a chihuahua as loud as he can. I know his bite is not that vicious."

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