iPhone 6 Plus Size Pocket Wear, Brands Resize Pocket Design, Apple's Smartphone Too Big A Fit For Women's Skinnies?


iPhone 6 Plus Size Pocket Wear, Brands Resize Pocket Design, Apple's Smartphone Too Big A Fit For Women's Skinnies?

The latest tech reports say Cupertino, Cal-based Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) has produced two of the biggest smartphones in the race for the world's favorite phone - iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. One of the distinct features that puts Apple's iPhone6 Plus ahead of the Samsungs, HTCs, and Nexus phones is its phablet ranged size. The 5.5 inched iPhone 6 plus will outdo other phablets for at least a year. Already, Samsung has a 5.7" smartphone in view to rival Apple. Both Apple and Samsung smartphones have driven the market for larger displays, which is apparently favored by consumers. But, when it comes to putting your smartphone in your pocket, the iPhone6 Plus in particular causes problems, particularly for women who wear skinnies and skinny jeans.

Clothing retailers have changed their look to accommodate tech in the past, and the iPhone 6 Plus is no different. Some complaints from customers say that the iPhone 6 has a tendency to bend when kept in the pocket. Some skeptics have presented videos on YouTube saying that the iPhone may even break into two halves if it is kept bending for a long time.

Uniqlo is one company that is ready to change its size of jean pockets to accommodate the iPhone6 plus. In an interview with Quartz, Uniqlo said, the "company is having some discussions with the development crew from the technology perspective. They think that clothes can be helpful in providing ease to the customers in many matters."

  • These are some other brands that are considering bringing changes to their clothing to help consumers fit their larger tech devices in their pocket: American Eagle Outfitters (NYSE: AEO): "The company stated that their men-wear collection already has bigger pockets which can easily fit in larger phones. As for the women clothing, they are still figuring out a way,"

  • L.L Bean: The company claims that iPhone 6 fits in jean pockets and that larger phones fit easily in side pockets, i.e. cargo style
  • J. Crew Group: J. Crew is considering adding accessories and interior pockets to hold tablets and iPhones.
  • Lee Jeans: Lee has a reputation for designing jeans in the context of how it will be used and for every day wear.
  • Levi's: Although Levi's is not looking to improve its design specifically for iPhone 6 Plus, it improves its products to match the needs of consumers.
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