Going To The Gym May Hurt Your Health: Air Pollution At The Gym Is A Thing


As winter rolls around, people have resorted to heading to the gym to get their daily run in.

A new study suggests that going to the gym might actually not be as good for your health as you may think as you could be breathing in toxins that are bad for your body, according to the news outlet Xpose Entertainment.

For the recent study, which will appear in the journal Building and Environment next month, researchers at the University of Lisbon in Portugal and the Technical University of Delft in Holland reportedly put in air-quality monitoring equipment in gyms throughout Lisbon, according to the NY Times.

Going to the gym in the area is reportedly a similar experience to that of going to a gym in the United States, stated Carla Ramos, a graduate student at the University of Lisbon, who led the new study. The air-quality monitoring equipment reportedly kept track of levels of pollutants, including carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and ozone.

Airborne dust particles were also reportedly measured as well as chemicals from carpeting and cleaning products and paint. Particular focus was reportedly given for the times when the gyms were especially busy.

The study results reportedly showed high levels of airborne dust, formaldehyde and carbon dioxide.

According to Ramos, the high concentrations of dust and chemicals like formaldehyde in the air at the gyms show the greatest potential concern as these substances can reportedly contribute to asthma and other respiratory problems.

"We consider that the gymnasiums meet the criteria for a poor indoor quality," stated Ramos.

She added, "When we exercise, we take in more air with each breath and most of that air goes through the mouth, bypassing the natural filtration system. The pollutants go deeper into the lungs compared to resting situations."

Despite the results of the study, going to the gym shouldn't be avoided at all costs as there are ways to reduce some of the air pollutants by possibly speaking to the manager at your fitness center.

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