Android 5.0 Lollipop Download: Learn How To Install Android 5.0 Lollipop With ‘Android Quick Start Guide For Lollipop’ From Google; What You Should Do Before Doing The Android L Download?

Android 5.0 Lollipop
Android 5.0 Lollipop Update
Android phones
Mobile devices
Mobile gadgets

With every Nexus, Samsung, HTC and other Android smartphone owner eagerly awaiting the delivery of Android 5.0 Lollipop update in their handsets, there's only a handful that's preparing for the actual download. They do not realize that if something happens along the way, having basic knowledge is necessary.

The Google Play Store makes the Android Quick Start Guide for Lollipop available for Nexus and Google Play edition devices users. Already, it captured the attention of the people. Some gave positive remarks, such as it is "The perfect companion to a newbie to the Android world. It covers all of the basics with mentions of the various differences due to the various device makers." Other users commented, it is "really helpful" and "it's good for the purpose it serves".

Some, however, questioned it like it is "free but asking credit card" and "why the payment option". One commentator answered these with "No credit card? Press 'skip' on payment prompt it's in the bottom corner."

For your own guidance and experience, click the link of the quick start guide above.

Before you make the Android 5.0 Lollipop download, you may want to know first the reasons why you should. According to one website, it features attractive new interface and Google names it "Material Design". Another explanation is that it is the same operating system working (or that will work) for other devices, such as tablets, TVs, and smartwatches.

Particularly for those who always run out of battery power, Android 5.0 Lollipop download is necessary as it boasts of its battery-saver feature that extends your battery life by one and a half hour.

With the Android 5.0 Lollipop download, it feels like you have a new device without actually spending for it. But before you get excited, consider creating a backup of all your important files to avoid losing them in case something happens.

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