'Star Wars Episode 7' Rumors & News: Carrie Fisher's Daughter Part Of Flashbacks? 'The Force Awakens' Better Than 'The Empire Strikes Back?'

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"Star Wars Episode 7" rumors and news hint that Carrie Fisher's daughter will be part of the flashbacks as "The Force Awakens" is billed to be better than "The Empire Strikes Back."

The Yahoo News dished the latest in "Star Wars Episode 7" rumors and news after Debbie Reynolds, the mother of Carrie Fisher, confirmed that her granddaughter Billie Lourd is working with her mother in the film.

"Back when Lourd was first linked to the movie, fans soon began to wonder whether she was chosen due to her resemblance to her mother and rumours quickly began to spread that the young actress was in fact playing a young Princess Leia during the saga's first ever flashback," Yahoo said.

With the secrecy surrounding the film, this only remained a rumor particularly since historically, there never was any flashback scene in "Star Wars."

"After all, it's likely that 'The Force Awakens' will shake things up when it comes to the galaxy far, far away and just because we've never seen a flashback in a 'Star Wars' film before, doesn't mean we won't in 'Episode VII'" it added.

Meanwhile, cast Anthony Daniels, who plays C-3PO, fueled more "Star Wars Episode 7" rumors and news when he dared compare the new film with what is thought to be the seminal installment in the franchise. The actor took to Twitter to say: "'No movie sequel is better than The Empire Strikes Back.' You might eat those words for Xmas dinner in 2015. Joy & Indigestion to the world!"

But TIME magazine said that Anthony Daniels' prediction is a tall order.

"The latest 'Star Wars' installment has big shoes to fill: the legendary original prequel, The Empire Strikes Back, is the 12th highest grossing North American film of all time when adjusted for inflation, according to Box Office Mojo," the magazine said.

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