Android 5.0 Lollipop ready to be released for Nexus Phones


Android just made the android world a little more exciting by announcing another new OS for your beloved phones and that is Android 5.0 candidly called Lollipop.

Yes, that's right! Your sweet and delectable candy just became another Android sensation and the android lovers will get a taste of this new update.

According to Android, the Lollipop version is "the largest and most ambitious release for Android yet."

It adds "This release is packed with new features for users and thousands of new APIs for developers. It extends Android even further, from phones, tablets, and wearables, to TVs and cars."

And what could these features be? There are a lot. To start off, Lollipop has a bold, colorful, and responsive UI design for consistent, intuitive experiences across all your devices. It also has a battery saver feature which is very efficient for travelers who are on the go.

For the privacy crazy individual, the Lollipop has integrated with the new devices that comes with encryption automatically turned on to help protect data on lost or stolen devices. Aside from that it also uses Android Smart Lock to secure your phone or tablet by pairing it with a trusted device like your wearable or even your car.

And for those techy individuals who just fathom the idea of not being connected, the OS features a better internet connection everywhere and more powerful Bluetooth low energy capabilities.

Among the very first phones which gets to test the drive the new OS is the Nexus. Google's Android team announced via Twitter "#AndroidLollipop rollout has started and will soon be available on most #Nexus devices. Dessert is served"

The Nexus 4 joins the Nexus 5, 9 and the Wi-Fi version of the Nexus 7 in getting images of the Android Lollipop.

Although the launch of Android Lollipop has gone quite well for the most users, but just like any OS, it hasn't been free of bugs. One of the issues was of the Nexus 5 where it appears to have been experiencing the most problems with Lollipop particularly with Wi-Fi connections.

According to Google Engineer Trevor Johns, "Android Engineering is aware of an issue affecting Nexus 5 users running Android 5.0 which causes significant 'Miscellaneous' battery usage while Wi-Fi is enabled. This appears to be caused by an abnormally high number of IRQ wakeup events."

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