Watch 'Castle' Season 7 Episode 7 Free Streaming Online: 'Once Upon A Time In The West' Episode Shows Castle And Beckett's Honeymoon?

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Watch "Castle" season 7 episode 7 free streaming online!

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For those who haven't seen the previous episode- "The Time of Our Lives"- here's a quick recap from Den of Geek

"I guess if you’ve been consciously deprived of food, then a Big Mac must be welcome indeed. But that hardly makes it fine cuisine or worth the wait. So it is with the Caskett wedding in The Time Of Our Lives, which, unfortunately, is anything but.

And the fact that it’s tacked on to the end of a heavy-handed episode doesn’t help. The Time Of Our Lives begins with the revelation that Castle has been having trouble sleeping. Something has been bothering him. This degenerates into a conversation of where Beckett and Castle each speculate on where they would be in their professional lives had they not met and fallen in love with each other, with Kate joking “I guess we’d be better off if we’d never met.”

Which, of course, becomes the theme of the episode. In the first possibly legitimate case of the supernatural on the show, Castle quickly finds himself living in an alternate reality where he and Beckett met, as they did in our world, briefly and forgettably, at a book signing many years ago but have otherwise been living very different separate existences in the six years we’ve actually been watching them dance slowly towards each other in our narrative."

Click here for "Castle" season 7 episode 7 free streaming.

Meanwhile, here's the official synopsis for episode 7, "Once Upon A Time In The West:"

"When Castle and Beckett learn that a murder victim may have been poisoned at an Old West-style resort, they visit the resort posing as newlyweds to uncover the truth."

Click here for "Castle" season 7 episode 7 free streaming.

"Castle" airs on ABC every Monday night at 9PM.

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