Watch 'Scandal' Season 4 Free Streaming Online; Mid-Season Finale Episode 9 Spoilers- Mama Pope Is Coming

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Watch "Scandal" season 4 free streaming online and episode 9 spoilers are now available as new episodes air on ABC tonight at 9pm.

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 free streaming online.

For those who were not able to catch episode 8, "The Last Supper," here is a quick recap from Flavorwire:

"If there was a theme to “The Last Supper,” it was dramatically reframing relationships viewers thought we understood. After VP Andrew (who’s been so scarce this season that you’d be forgiven for failing to recognize him immediately) narrowly escapes death by car bomb, Mellie realizes that she still has feelings for him — so it only takes a few moments, once he’s back in the White House, for her to pounce on him and strip down to her red bra. It’s gratifying to see Mellie, who’s suffered so much, both in the past and this season, finally get something she wants. So when we learn, quite suddenly, that Andrew is not only in cahoots with RNC snake Elizabeth North, but also engaged in a torrent affair with her, it’s pretty heartbreaking. Now begins the countdown until Mellie finds out the truth. She’s a woman of steel, but it’s hard to imagine her recovering from yet another blow — or ever trusting a man again."

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 free streaming online.

Meanwhile, here are some "Scandal" season 4 episode 9 spoilers. The official synopsis for “Where the Sun Don’t Shine,” reads:

“Command is always two steps ahead and everyone in Olivia’s life is in danger. Meanwhile, Cyrus is forced to face the consequences of his behavior, and Huck and Quinn finally figure out just what Elizabeth North has been planning, but they might be too late to stop it.”

Exciting stuff are in store for avid viewers of the show. The explosive mid-season finale will reportedly star Olivia Pope's mother. That gives fans a hint on the things to come tonight.

Click here for "Scandal" season 4 free streaming online.

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