‘Noah’ Full Movie: Is It True That The Film Is ‘Anti-Biblical’? Hear It From The Director And Writers; ‘Noah’ Earned More Than US$300 Million In Worldwide Gross

Full movies
Russell Crowe

Watch "Noah" full movie now and be the judge if it deserves the criticisms it earned - not because of the actors or their performance but because of the story. Critics referred to the film as "anti-biblical".

According to the director and writer, Darren Aronofsky, the film was "trying to dramatize the decision God must have made when he decided to destroy all of humanity". He explained, "At the beginning of the 'Noah' story, everything is wicked and God wants to start over. The pain of that, the struggle of that, must have been immense. To basically go from creating this beautiful thing to watching it fall apart, and then doing this horrible thing where you have to try and start again."

Co-writer Ari Handel said that "Noah" gives people two things: personal choice and second chance. "The story says that we all have goodness and wickedness in us and it's up to us to pursue goodness and resist temptation. That's a personal choice that we all have."

He added, "The 'Noah' story is about a second chance. It's a second chance for the world and a second chance for mankind. One of the questions we hope people come out of the film with is, to remember that we're living in a second chance. And to ask ourselves, 'What are we doing with that second chance? Are we doing well with it?'"

Watch "Noah" full movie now to understand what the people behind the film was trying to explain.

With a production budget of US$125 million, "Noah" earned worldwide gross of $362,637,473 million, US$101,200,044 belonged to domestic gross and $261,437,429 million belonged to foreign gross.

"Noah" cast included Russell Crowe (Noah), Jennifer Connelly (Naameh), Ray Winstone (Tubal-cain), Anthony Hopkins (Methuselah), Emma Watson (Ila), Logan Lerman (Ham), and Douglas Booth (Shem).

Watch "Noah" full movie. It is now available in DVD, digital HD, and Blu-ray.

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