'The Elder Scrolls Online' Coming To Consoles Next Month? Bethesda Keen To Release MMORPG Despite Bad Reviews

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"The Elder Scrolls Online" will be available on consoles this December, new reports suggest.

Air Herald reported, "Bethesda has confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Online is still on schedule for a December release on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles."

Despite mixed reviews of the game, Bethesda is keen to deliver the MMORPG to consoles.

"The game has over 700,000 subscribers, not a small number by any means but hardly as much as the millions who play other MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft. Nonetheless, Bethesda finds it worthwhile to bring the game to console platforms," the article added.

"The Elder Scrolls Online" release date for consoles was originally slated for June 2014.

Apart from "The Elder Scrolls Online" release date for Xbox One and PS4, Bethesda has been busy with its loyalty program. For the 6th month loyalty award, "a shiny new shipment of Loyal Dwarven Spheres are rolling into mailboxes all around Tamriel."

"This rare and mysterious companion will raise more than a few eyebrows at the local tavern. Expect questions-and make sure you have a good tale ready to tell! We'll continue to add new surprises to the ESO Loyalty Program in the future, so keep exploring Tamriel and reap the rewards! We're glad to have heroes like you in the community," an article on the official TESO site explained.

Stay tuned for more "The Elder Scrolls Online" release date news here!

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