The Film Whiplash shows human's variation is limitless, Although all of them might have been existing with a lot of similarities, Their differences is quite more lifted than that of their identical traits.
The character of Andrew has existed to be different is also expected to compete and live with one another and be dependent to no one but to themselves and with all the people breathing with them.The lingering question is how can this be possible with them having all possible variations? We might encounter someone who is too selective, generous, a selfie addict, careless or even someone who appears to be something we expect but later as we found out, He/she is far from that. It is hard dealing with masses of people, Fans have no idea what they are, who they really are and what they are going through and all these factors are greatly contributing to their demeanor or outward behavior. You might judge them and in return they might decide on judging you as well for judging them. Totally weird.
Life is truly a complex matter but many people have been wondering why they find life to be dysfunctional and boring but for someone who has a different perspective, I think life is a thrilling experience, You get to deal with all kinds of people and you will end up being sandwiched in between making you someone who is just on the middle, Not good but is far from from being bad and a burden. And for me, that is a thing I call as "acceptable". Acceptable enough for people to not reject you.
Its difficult for people to like you and of course that is never mandatory for them to do so, Do they care with all their might? I guess no, So being tied as an individual who has a close and great encounter with all individuals, I think being the acceptable kind won't promote any harm on you and to other people, It is what matters after all, Right?