Facebook New Privacy Settings: Social Media Site Releases Policies On New Privacy Settings for Users to Know!


Facebook's new privacy settings will be up and running by January 1st, 2015!

The Fuse Joplin reported that Facebook's new privacy settings aim to revolutionize security settings in social media. Most Facebook users have already received notifications of the upcoming changes as of the moment.

The following are the new features that are expected to be integrated in Facebook's new privacy settings:

-Location Features

Facebook is expected to bring users latest updates that take place within their current location. This new feature will also suggest "Nearby Friends" users can contact and connect.

-The Buy Button

This new feature will produce access to online stores where users can purchase things conveniently via their Facebook accounts.

-Mobile Privacy Experience Enhanced

Facebook's new privacy settings will enhance security for Mobile Facebook users. Users will actually see this difference when they use mobile phones, instead of PC's or laptops, to access their Facebook accounts.

-Facebook Ads will be put under Control

Facebook ads will be put under control by the new privacy settings for 2015. This means that users will have options to choose whether or not they'd like to see these ads, as it depends whether or not they are using PC's, laptops, or mobile phones.

Stay tuned for these newest security and upgrade settings that will be available in one of the world's most popular social media site, come the first day of the New Year!

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